Formation From the project to the performance – tools and methodologies to create a constructive dialogue between, the artistic, administrative and technical teams Sallahdyn Khatir, Yves Godin et les équipes du CN D 02 > 05.12.24 / CN D Pantin
Formation AFCMD Intersecting perspectives: neuroscience, biomechanics and AFCMD Gilles Dietrich 06 > 08.12.24 / CN D Pantin
Mediation Training 6 modules 08.10.24 > 04.07.25 CN D offers training courses open to all professionals involved in artistic and cultural education and mediation projects.
Formation Resources for EAC and dance mediation Session #2 Specific types of mediation for specific audiences 10 > 13.12.24 / CN D Pantin
Professional Resources – Conversation The many facets of a choreographer’s job Legal webinar series 10 > 12.12.24 / Online Tickets
Professional Resources – Training Taking care of your health: methods, tools, experiences Cycle of workshops 24.09 > 10.12.24 / CN D Pantin Tickets
Professional Resources – Formation Auditions and social media: tools and techniques for creating video content Carine Loison and Morgan Eloy 16 > 18.12.24 / CN D Pantin
Professional Resources – Conversation Legal information and updates from the field Legal webinar 18.12.24 — 10:00 / Online