Research days

As a resource pole for outreach and artistic and cultural education in dance, the CN D offers zones of reflexion between professionals so as to favour friction between ideas, convictions, desires and questions. Thinking about practices, placing them in perspective, sharing ideas and questioning each person’s postures are the objectives given to these periods for exchanges between all the professionals involved in outreach and artistic and cultural educational actions.

“Audiences” Cycle

Dance Audiences

Audiences are curious, committed, participatory, singular, wilful, sensitive. Audiences are critical, predictable, unpredictable, indifferent, contradictory, heteroclite. It is also possible to designate audiences, spectators, spect-actors, enthusiasts, inhabitants, individuals, people, citizens…

We would like this research day to fous on the notion of an “audience”. With this in mind, we have invited researchers, philosophers, sociologists and professionals in the performing arts, so as to cross different viewpoints. Approaching and sharing this question from different angles, which can be philosophical, political, economic, or else aesthetic, will allow us to present our approaches in terms of our practices. This day will also provide the opportunity to examine the particularity of a dance audience, and to think together about all our outreach actions.

Dance outreach: what impacts on audiences?

At a time when projects for participatory choreographic creations are multiplying, a practice workshop and a viewing workshop before and after the performance are propaedeutic tools for the understanding of works, in which artistic and cultural education pathways aim at developing a critical mindset. The CN D is offering an exchange about the causalities and/or correlations between practising and viewing, and between outreach and audience development projects. The personal, social, political and educational impacts of dance outreach will also be dealt with.

“Practices” Cycle

Transmitting, sharing, raising awareness: multiple approaches to outreach

Transmitting, raising awareness, sharing, educating, training, many verbs bring to life the work of artists and mediators. The ways to encounter need to be invented, thought about and put into question continually according to the knowhow that is put into use, the audiences being addressed and the contexts in which encounters occur. During the 20th century, contributions from the educational sciences, cognitive science and psychology deeply transformed the understanding of the subject and the act of learning. In this context, the point is to question our educational actions and to invent tomorrow’s practices. 

This research day will mean being able to examine the current challenges in education so as to show up the various ways in which mediators and artists act.

A talk, workshops and feedback on experiences will punctuate this research day. 

Transmitting dance: practices, gestures, words

This research day will mean being able to probe questions about pedagogical practices developed for the transmission of dance. Are they specific to the knowhow which is being transmitted or also linked to objectives which are given to the act of transmission? What does dance transmit: a technique, a practice, a research process, a conception of the world, or a sensitivity to choreographic works? What is the role of the verbal and the non-verbal in the transmission of such dance knowhow? Through the practice and analysis of transmissions by dancers and mediators as well as through a reflection workshop, a mapping of the practices of dance transmission will be co-drafted during the entire day.

Observing the pedagogies in use in artistic and cultural education schemes, putting into perspective the means of transmission whatever the fields of knowledge and questioning each person’s posture are the objectives allotted to this moment of exchanges.

Adopting a position, situated outreach practices 

The third day in the “practices” cycle offers an approach to outreach as a situated practice, which creates relational schemas based on a context (sites, audiences, aesthetics, an institutional context…). It examines outreach practices through the spatial, temporal and bodily notion of “adopting a position”.

Adopting a position means situating yourself in terms of a context. Inside, alongside, on, around, below, against, with… It also means making choices and making them perceptible for others. This implies a freedom of subjects that authorises them to choose where they want to be in a collective, how they want to be with the collective and what place they offer to others. Adopting a position also means positioning and re-positioning yourself, and implies self-reflexions that makes practices living and mobile.

In the context of Camping, several sites and schools have been invited to create a space for exchanges about outreach practices based on different French and international contexts.