Aide à la Recherche et au Patrimoine en Danse As part of its policy to promote the dance heritage and facilitate research, the Centre national de la danse has set up a funding programme called the Aide à la Recherche et au Patrimoine en Danse.
Danse en Amateur et Répertoire Danse en Amateur et Répertoire is a help programme that was created to assist amateur dancing beyond simple dance classes and the phase of mastering technique.
Research, PhD students, notators This section is intended to serve as a space where information can be shared by dance researchers, PhD students of dance and notators. It aims to stimulate interactive exchanges online.
Research and rating presentations Researchers, notators and choreographic artists will present here their work in progress – approaches, practices and artistic gestures with diverse aesthetics.
International Symposium Dance(s) and Ritual(s) From April 8 to 11, 2021, this international symposium offers to explore the different ways in which the ritual questions the processes of creation, transmission, staging and execution of dances.
International conference Competing?! While tomorrow begins the Olympic and Paralympic Games of Paris 2024, from September 28 to 30, 2023 this international conference questions the practice and history of the dance competition in the light of sports competitions.