

With the carte CN D
full price € 10 / reduced rate € 5*
Without the carte CN D
full price € 15 / reduced rate € 10*
under 12 years old
one price € 5
except Le Petit B, Point Zéro, Le chemin du wombat au nez poilu, Apprendre à voir les oiseaux en ville
single ticket € 5


Free admission

Meetings, Study days, Conferences, Laboratories,
Non-human dance workshop

Free admission, booking required
Prices for other activities reserved for professionals are given on the relevant pages and on cnd.fr

Workshops Danses partagées

With the carte CN D
€ 5
Without the carte CN D
full price € 15 / reduced rate € 10*
under 12 years old
one price € 5

Camping in Lyon

€ 200 / individual
400 / paid for by an organisation or your employer

Giant classes
Morning classes
Office hours and professional meetings
Meeting for school staff

for campers only

DJ set
Big warm up

Free admission

Directly with les Subs

Be Careful show
Cine-concert Solo drums for Maya Deren

€ 18 / € 12 / € 8 / € 5
+33 (0)4 78 39 10 02

Daily classes

Single price € 5
compulsory subscription to the CN D PRO card

Payment is made at the ticket office on site or by phone.
No reservation by email will be taken into account. No exchange or refund.


Individual : from € 75 to € 300
If fee covered : de € 200 à € 700*

* Reduced fees on presentation of proof under 28 years old / over 65 years old / job-seekers / disabled (disability card) / groups of more than 5 people / professional dancers (Pôle Emploi certificate, students for the Diplôme d’État at the CN D) / those not liable for income tax / holders of the Carte Culture from the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication.