Formation – Conversation Jazz Weekend: The Living Memory of Jazz Dance #6 ー cancelled Bruno Agati 22 & 23.02.25 / CN D Lyon
Conversation Conversation: dance and parenthood With the complicity of Linda Hayford, associate artist Luc Deleau, Marianne Feder, Audrey Lucéro, Martine Mbock and Julie Tavert 08.03.25 — 10:00 / CN D Lyon
Conversation Building guidelines to prevent sexual violence in dance schools 31.03.25 — 10:30 / Online Tickets
Professional Resources – Conversation Careers in motion: professional transitions and retraining Cycle of meetings 10.04 & 12.06.25 / Online Tickets
Conversation – Research Rencontres de l’aCD - association des chercheurs en danse "Dance and philosophy" 06 & 07.05.25 / CN D Pantin