
Infinite Jest –
Je te propose,
si tu veux bien,
de prendre le temps,
de laisser revenir
un mouvement

Meris Angioletti, Barbara Boiocchi

Meris Angioletti, Tanzlinde - Infinite Jest © Enrica Magnolini/Collettivo Mobil
Meris Angioletti, Tanzlinde - Infinite Jest © Enrica Magnolini/Collettivo Mobil

30.09.21 — 19:30

CN D Pantin

"I suggest, if you will, to take time, to let a movement come back. You let me know when you are ready.
Can you describe this movement in a few words?"

This conference, born from the collaboration between Meris Angioletti and Barbara Boiocchi, both artists and researchers, proposes an activation of Meris Angioletti's work Tanzlinde: a dance mat emitting waves and forms*, presented as part of the exhibition Dance and Rituals, at the Centre National de la Danse. It is structured around a dialogue that makes explicit past feelings through a methodology borrowed from the protocol of the "explicitation interviews" developed by the psychologist Pierre Vermersch, aiming to raise awareness through words to reach a somatic experience. Mixing Italian and French, snippets of recordings of interviews/rehearsals, live testimonies and memories, involuntary gestures and bodily memories, the conference is offered as a journey through time summoning mental images generated by the movement of bodies.

* Barbara Boiocchi has already experienced the carpet during the Infinite Jest workshop at CRAC Alsace in December 2019

of the International
Symposium Dances and Rituals