22.06.19 — 13:30
CN D Pantin
The worldwide equilibrium has now been upset, and we are currently witnessing what seems to be a tipping point towards totalitarian regimes or else states that raise questions about certain democratic processes. Culture is a symbol which is often attacked outright, as can be seen in the awful example of the suppression of the Ministry of Culture in Brazil. So we thought it important to take a global look at Europe and the world so as to understand better the realities of each country in danger and conceive more exactly spaces for international solidarities. Giving a podium for artists and groups committed to struggles which are at once societal, political and intimate seems to us to be the best way to bear witness to today’s artistic realities.
Focus on countries in crisis: Brazil. Let’s open the debate with the situation of Brazilian artists while imagining together how a solidarity can be invented so as to accompany these artists under threat. With the participation of Nayse López, Sonia Sobral, Fernanda Silva, Volmir Cordeiro, Calixto Neto, Wagner Schwartz, Marcelo Evelin…
Focus on the evolution of cultural policies in Europe, in particular in certain countries where they are in question. Participations and presentations by our European partners for a situational tour of Europe so as to grasp better these new issues, and the establishment of solidarity networks. With the participation of partners from the network of EDN European Dancehouse Network in Austria, Poland, Italy, the UK and the Czech Republic.