
Choreographic artist in 2019: an international encounter

Let’s talk about…

21.06.19 — 10:30

CN D Pantin

7 round tables and a Forum organised in partnership with the DGCA Direction Générale de la Création Artistique and EDN European Dancehouse Network


Let’s talk about… Choreographic artists caught up in globalisation, the impacts of new means of moving around and producing. The adaptability of artists, the effect of the rise in residencies and the means of production. New influences, new networks, differences and realities between countries.

Let’s talk about… The links between early and higher education. Who is being taught: performers, choreographers or more generally choreographic artists? The particularities of pedagogies and courses, the question of international qualifications, the circulation of students and aids for international mobility. How to prepare for an entrance into higher education? What school, for what career (territorial and European issues)?

Let’s talk about… Health and prevention. What are the issues when it comes to the health of choreographic artists? What set-ups already exist, with which initiatives, and how to put together our strengths? What is being taken in hand, and how to make information become more accessible? Preparing a dancer means effort, recovery and a diet.

Let’s talk about… Artists and diversity
In a context of growing globalization, how is diversity and non-diversity represented on stage and in the theatre audiences?

Let’s talk about… Mediation: is it a new profession? A new trade or an additional skill-set for dancers? What are the forms of connection between audiences and works? How to accompany the understanding of pieces so as to broaden public awareness?

Let’s talk about… Retraining. How to prepare your future, what are the routes towards retraining? How do ballets, companies and schools bring this question under their guidance? Should retraining be prepared in an initial training, and how?

Let’s talk about… The connection between art and civil society. Artists attempt to invent new models and labels, or another inscription in territories. Artists in distant regions, a project connected with a territory rather than theatres. A political and associative commitment. Collaborative wastelands…