Starting a new career

IOTPD grants

The Organisation Internationale pour la Reconversion des Danseurs Professionnels (IOTPD) has created an international grant to help dancers build a new life for themselves after their dance careers.The Bourse Philippe Braunschweig grant, so-named in tribute to the founding president of the IOTPD, will assist a dancer who has had an international career embark on a new career. This annual grant of 3,000 euros was awarded for the first time in June 2013.
The IOTPD is seeking to provide an international solution for dancers whose careers spanned several countries and who were not able to accumulate the necessary conditions of seniority to qualify for national career change programmes.
The CN D, a member of the IOTPD, is taking part in this new initiative.
The IOTPD was created in 1993 with the aim of helping dancers embark on new careers. The IOTPD is an international organisation that brings together career development centres throughout the world. It supports, promotes and coordinates research and information initiatives and efforts to assist dancers so that they can make a successful transition to a new career.

Philippe Braunschweig, founding president of the IOTPD, died in 2010. A lover of dance, he worked tirelessly to help improve the situation for dancers, both at an individual and collective level. The IOTPD is thus paying tribute to him through the creation of this international grant named after him.

Applications until 30.04 at


The time for reconversion in 9 portraits

This documentary in the form of nine portraits traces the careers of dancers who today have second professions. From a career in dance to their present-day profession, they talk about how they embarked on their new career, the questions and choices they faced, the changes they experienced.

This documentary emphasises the fragility of the profession of dancer, its limited duration, while at the same time highlighting the benefits of doing this occupation that is so demanding physically and mentally.

Overall conception: Quentin Rouillier / Execution: Régine Dalnoky and Paule Mustelier / Technical coordination: Anne Mustelier (Quick Sloughi Productions) / Production: Centre National de la Danse 2004.
With the support of the Conseil Régional Île-de-France.

Catherine Bot, video artist
Nicolas Stifter, restaurateur
Renaud Fauviau, technical director
Patrick Roger, artistic director
Pascale Henrot, festival director
Bernard Estrabaut, osteopath
Anne Gaches, magistrate
Laurent Van Kote, cultural advisor
Robin Lyon, instrument maker


All the portraits


Le temps de la reconversion en 9 portraits / partie 1 – Patrick Roger

Le temps de la reconversion en 9 portraits / partie 2 – Robin Lyon

Le temps de la reconversion en 9 portraits / partie 3 – Renaud Fauviau

Le temps de la reconversion en 9 portraits / partie 4 – Pascale Henrot

Le temps de la reconversion en 9 portraits / partie 5 – Nicolas Stifter

Le temps de la reconversion en 9 portraits / partie 6 – Laurent Van Kote

Le temps de la reconversion en 9 portraits / partie 7 – Catherine Bot

Le temps de la reconversion en 9 portraits / partie 8 – Bernard Estrabaut

Le temps de la reconversion en 9 portraits / partie 9 – Anne Gaches



Après la scène, bâtir un avenir meilleur pour les danseurs et l'art chorégraphique

[Building a better future for dancers and the art of choreography after a life on stage]

In the autumn of 2004, the Projet aDvANCE* published the results of a study that was carried out over three years, which examined the conditions and challenges facing professional dancers while transitioning to another career. Après la Scène, published following this study, revealed the social and professional situation of dancers, highlighting accounts by professionals and offering a plan of action. The proposals were aimed at everybody connected with the dance world: dancers, employers, social organisations, public authorities.

* Le Projet aDvANCE was initiated by the Organisation Internationale pour la Reconversion du Danseur Professionnel (OIRDP). It was made up of an international coalition of researchers and professionals dance sector.

Download Après la scène