The proceedings of the Forum International Danse et Santé can be found download, as well as initiatives, meetings, training sessions and thematic files.
Capsules santé
To help dancers with resuming their activities, le CN D has gathered advice from doctors and specialists in a few videos designed as a toolbox.
Practical health files
The Santé series focuses on several specific areas: providing information to aid with prevention, suggesting treatments and techniques for recuperation, and offering dancers suggestions for professional training with a view to starting a new career.
Forum international Danse et Santé
27 & 28.11.2014
The CN D organised a first Forum International Danse et Santé, on 27 and 28 November 2014, thanks to the sponsorship of the Société Harlequin.
For two days, 50 participants from 13 countries came to exchange views and talk about health issues. Questions to do with education, nutrition, training, recuperation and prevention linked to professional dancing were explored through round tables and workshops. The event made it possible to compare practices in different countries in order to raise awareness among dance professionals and work towards a medicine that is better adapted to the specificities of dance.
Listen to all of the Forum’s talks and workshops: