06 > 07.10.18
CN D Pantin, Théâtre du Fil de l’eau
A shifting exhibition of solos, shows, repertoire transmissions, workshops and projections punctuate this weekend devoted to spectators, professional and amateur dancers, for both adults and children: the space of the CN D is being set into motion by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker’s geometrical lines, rhythms and apprenticeship techniques.
Throughout her works, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker has set up signposts for an open form of dance, providing access to its sources and structural principles. Whether this be through P.A.R.T.S., the school founded in 1995 from an idea of the dancer-creator, the publication of Carnets d’une Choreographer, but also the exhibition Work / Travail / Arbeid or else the participatory, viral project Re:Rosas!, transmission lies at the heart of this body of work which shows and shares its production processes. Making this work accessible, in its physical, ludic and participative dimension, is thus the central point of the programme of La Fabrique. On the occasion of the “Portrait” devoted by the Festival d’Automne in Paris to the choreographer, the CN D is being transformed into a dancing hive, midway between a living museum and a wild workshop. Activated by the dancers of her company, as well as the students of P.A.R.T.S. with workshops around pieces in the repertoire for one and all, and Dancingkids for children, shows or fragments of pieces allowing us to see, hear and experience a concentration of choreography. A performance of the piece Rosas danst Rosas chimes with its pirated version, Re:Rosas!, allowing everyone to appropriate an extract of the famous “chair dance”. On Saturday, extracts of Drumming will follow one another every hour, providing the impression of an uninterrupted rhythmic flow. On Sunday, the forty-five students of P.A.R.T.S. will perform in a loop, for three hours, brief solos on three themes in the Atrium.
In 1980, after studying dance at the Mudra school in Brussels, then the Tisch School of the Arts in New York, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker (born in 1960) created Asch, her first choreography. Two years later, she marked minds with Fase, Four Movements to the Music of Steve Reich. In 1983, De Keersmaeker choregraphed Rosas danst Rosas and established her dance company Rosas, in Brussels. After these foundational works, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker has continued to explore, with rigor and prolificity, the relationships between dance and music. With Rosas, she has put together a vast corpus of shows confronting musical structures and scores from every era, from ancient to contemporary music, without forgetting forms of popular expression. Her choreographic practice is based on the formal principles of geometry and mathematical models, a study of the natural world and social structures – opening up singular perspectives on the deployment of the body in space and time. In 1995, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker founded the school P.A.R.T.S. (Performing Arts Research and Training Studios) in Brussels, in association with La Monnaie / De Munt.
In a carte blanche for a great dance company, lasting all weekend, La Fabrique runs through the full range of the artistic project of a company or an artist, in all their facets, and for all publics, professional or amateur. After hosting the Ballet de Lorraine, the Ballet de l’Opéra de Lyon, DANCE ON ENSEMBLE, La Fabrique Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker offers, as well as shows, six Shared Dance workshops for amateurs, three workshops for children, the activation of the piece Rosas danst Rosas, Re:Rosas! and two workshops for professional dancers.