Research Launch of the thematic issue on dance by the journal Perspective Actualité en histoire de l’art. Danser 25.01.21 — 19:00 / CN D Pantin
Research Conté Notation Seminar Dissemination of a writing system: situational analysis, issues and perspectives 14.11.20 — 10:00 / CN D Pantin
Research Danse en amateur et répertoire 14e rencontre nationale 24 & 25.10.20 / Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse
Research Carte Blanche for the association chercheurs en danse (aCD) Who is dance research meant for? 22.09.20 — 20:00 / CN D Pantin
Research Presentation of work Nouvelle histoire de la danse en Occident 22.09.20 — 19:00 / CN D Pantin
Research Fabrique de thèses #5 Decentring knowhows: the in-discipline of dance studies 22.09.20 — 09:30 / CN D Pantin
Research Young researchers symposium Dance & visual arts: gestures, echoes, passages 20 & 21.02.20 / CN D Pantin
Research Study Day A choreographic score for research into human sciences: a tuning score by Lisa Nelson 06 & 07.12.19 / CN D Pantin
Research Dance Workshop Holding each other: making bodily knowledge speak 05 > 07.12.19 / Université Côte d’Azur, Cannes
Research – Camping PhD students’ workshop Traces and resonances. Re-writing, recording, adapting dance 26 & 27.06.19 / CN D Pantin
Research – Performance Danse en amateur et répertoire 13e national encounters of Danse en amateur et répertoire 25 & 26.05.19 / CN D Pantin + La Villette
Research Evening with the dance researchers association Parler (d’)Artistes 15.02.19 — 19:00 / CN D Pantin