Research Research talks theater, circus, puppetry, street arts, storytelling, mime and gesture arts 2021 03 & 04.11.21 / CN D Pantin
Research – Conversation Conversation art & science around the Duncanian movement Sarah Fdili Alaoui, Rémi Ronfard, Elisabeth Schwartz & Manon Vialle 09.10.21 — 14:00 / CN D Lyon
Conversation – Research Fête dansante Festive practices, imaginaries and cultures in dance 08 & 09.10.21 / CN D Pantin
Research – Performance Scores Excerpts from Anna Halprin’s Parades & Changes Anne Collod 02.10.21 — 18:00 / CN D Pantin
Research Workshop Performing divinatory dance Mathieu Bouvier and Loïc Touzé 30.09 > 02.10.21 / CN D Pantin
Research – Screening Screening Has the ritual started yet? Curated by Térésa Faucon 01.10.21 — 20:00 / CN D Pantin
Research Stretching out your hands towards impossibility, Georges Didi-Huberman Inaugural conference 30.09.21 — 14:00 / CN D Pantin
Camping – Research Young researchers’ conference Dance and Textualities: What is a Text in Dance 24 & 25.06.21 / CN D Pantin
Research Study Day Contemporary forms and practices of reading in dance: rehearsal, production and performance 22 & 23.06.21 / INHA, salle Giorgio Vasari
Camping – Research Journées d'étude Reading dance: contemporary forms and practices of dance literacy in teaching, rehearsing, and performing 22 & 23.06.21 / INHA, salle Giorgio Vasari
Research Meetings with notators Conté notation seminar: Popularisation of a writing system: overview, challenges and perspectives 20.03.21 — 10:00 / CN D Pantin