18 > 22.06.18
CN D Pantin
La Ribot, a dancer, choreographer and visual artist, appropriates the various materials that come within her reach with exuberant energy. The series Pièces Distinguées, begun in 1993, has constantly branched out in all directions, breaking down the rigid boundaries between spaces and disciplines. She has worked in museums such as Tate Modern and for the Ballet de Lorraine, as well as with Mathilde Monnier on the work Gustavia. In 2000, she embarked on a video project based on the ‘operating body’, offering a dizzying array of contradictory sensations, exemplified by Mariachi 17. La Ribot is associate artist at the CN D.
One verb aptly describes this workshop: observe! When she teaches, when she works or quite simply as soon as she forges ties,
La Ribot likes to remind us that observation plays a key role in letting her imagine what might interest her interlocutor. The other per- son’s eyes, weight, complexity, walk, way of laughing, reading or talking. And of course, the way he or she dances and moves. So many clues that the artist asks us to explore in order to learn how to discover each other.