
Ways of being alive,
work in progress

Clara Hédouin

© Maxime Le Gac Olanié
© Maxime Le Gac Olanié

30.03.24 — 18:00

CN D Pantin

From Manières d’être vivant by Baptiste Morizot

A group of trackers are scattered across the mountains, calling to each other and finding each other again. They've lost track of the pack they'd been tracking for several hours, and are trying to understand... What happened? Everything happened so fast, and the stealthy wolves disappeared from view even faster than they appeared – mirages in animal form. Their bodies and hearts enable them to climb up and down slopes in less time than it takes us to choose the right path. Exhausted and lost, the band of humans continues to search, talk, analyze and investigate in the snow.

But then the world turns upside down. Those who bustle about before us are no longer human beings in the forest tracking wolves. They are faculties in our minds, tracking... an idea. On stage, the powers of sensibility are activated: the brilliant intelligences of Hand, Doubt, Love, Imagination, Sense, Sight, Reasoning and Poetry are recomposing the world. The stage becomes a mental one. Within us, facing us, the living think the living. The artists on stage take us on an adventure of cascading ideas and metamorphoses, a whirlwind of relationships that reinvent ways of being alive.

Clara Hédouin

Clara Hédouin joined the École normale supérieure de Lyon in 2008, where she directed her first plays. She then trained as an actor at the Studio-Théâtre in Asnières, then at the École du jeu. She then spent eight years creating a series of six shows based on an adaptation of Alexandre Dumas’s The Three Musketeers and toured France with the Collectif 49701, performing outside of classic theatrical venues. She continues this exploration with Joy of Man’s Desiring, which brings together her love for literature, her taste for the epic, and her desire to invent a new way for spectators and theatre to meet, outside of dark boxes.