20.06.23 — 18:30
CN D Pantin
For the two weeks of Camping, the Studio 12 of the CN D becomes an ephemeral studio where dance enthusiasts can attend a workshop led by six guest choreogra-phers free of charge. A unique opportunity for members ot the public to dance with internation-ally famous choreographers!
Although Linda Hayford is best known as an ambassador for popping, her dance practice has evolved through the encounter between genres and moves. Taking a crossover of styles as her starting point, Linda Hayford finds a common thread between multiple emotional and physical states and she focuses her aesthetic research on metamorphosis. Her inaugural solo Shapeshifting materializes the power represented by the passage from one form to another in an intimate fresco that deploys a succession of chimeras. In AlShe/Me (2019, pronounced “alchimie” in French, meaning “chemistry”), Linda Hayford appears on stage alongside her older brother Mike Hayford in a duo that focuses on the ephemeral character of the genre. Recovering invites three performers to reflect on the healing process following a trauma through the transmission and appropriation of different tools from Linda Hayford’s Shifting Pop vocabulary. For Linda Hayford, alteration has become an object of reflection on the con-stantly changing nature of identity, where every stage embodies a facet of humanity, culminating in the complexity of displacement.