Research Conversation

Laurence Louppe

study days
practical workshops
audio sessions

Laurence Louppe, Fonds Marion-Valentine, Médiathèque du CN D © Marion-Valentine
Laurence Louppe, Fonds Marion-Valentine, Médiathèque du CN D © Marion-Valentine

30.09 & 01.10.22

CN D Pantin

Laurence Louppe is a critic, writer, performer, dance historian and author of Poétique de la danse contemporaine (1997 & 2007, Contredanse editions), whose work has been instrumental in dance criticism since the 1980’s. When she passed ten years ago, she left behind written works which shaped an entire generation of dancers, choreographers, artists, students, dance and art thinkers, as well as non-professional readers; the goal of these events is to evaluate her legacy and the many ways it lives on in the minds of today’s readers. The two-day event “Écouter Laurence Louppe” (“Listening to Laurence Louppe”) will be organized around seminars, practical workshops and audio sessions, where participants will share their experience of her work, their scholarship, experiment with her ideas, attend a performative lecture, and listen to audio archives, “Paroles vives de Laurence Louppe”, which will be inaugurated during the event. 


Friday 30.09 Tickets


9:30 > 13:00
Communications Lire Laurence Louppe aujourd’hui

D’un terrain d’expérimentation à une résidence d’écriture
From an experimental field to a writing residency)
by Marie-Claire Gelly Aubaret

Relire trois fois la Poétique de la danse contemporaine de Laurence Louppe à trois stades de son développement professionnel : étudiante, chercheuse, médiatrice
(Rereading Laurence Louppe's Poetics of Contemporary Dance three times at three stages of her professional development: student, researcher, mediator)
by Anaïs Loison Bouvet

Laurence Louppe, sur le côté français du Pas de deux France-Amérique
(Laurence Louppe, on the French side of the Pas de deux France-Amérique)
by Gérard Mayen

Laurence Louppe chroniqueuse pour artpress (1980-2005). Regards croisés, de loin et de près
(Laurence Louppe columnist for artpress (1980-2005). Crossed views, from far and near)
by Giuseppe Burighel and Geisha Fontaine

14:30 > 16:30

Retourner le gant. Conférence performée ou performer la conférence
(Flipping the glove. Performed lecture or performing the lecture)
by Patricia Kuypers (limited capacity) Tickets

La petite filature. Installation-Atelier de culture chorégraphique : suspension & ancrage
(La petite filature. Installation-Workshop of choreographic culture: suspension & anchoring)
by Laurence Saboye (limited capacity) Tickets

14:30 > 16:30
Listening sessions, a walk through the archives of the sound library Paroles vives de Laurence Louppe

The study room: introduction to some of the major areas of reflection that Laurence Louppe has initiated.
The dancers' foyer: the determining place of the dancer, his or her specific knowledge, practice as knowledge(s)
The room of visions: about the 'subtle' dimensions of dance - the relationship between the visible and the invisible, the deep layers of experience, the unseizable...

16:30 > 17:30

Laurence Louppe – Une parole serpentine
(Laurence Louppe - A serpentine word)
by Catherine Contour

Troubler la critique. Une proposition sonore
(Disturbing criticism. A sound proposal)
by Pauline L. Boulba

17:30 > 18:00
Discussion Que cela nous fait-il d’écouter Laurence Louppe aujourd’hui ? 

With the listeners of the listening salons, with Sylviane Pagès and Giuseppe Burighel.


Saturday 1.10 Tickets

9:30 > 12:30
Communications Lire Laurence Louppe aujourd’hui

Déceler la danse où on ne l’attend pas
(Finding dance where you least expect it)
by Cathy De Plée and Isabelle Dufau

Il faut toujours enlever les cendres dans la danse et retrouver là où il y a encore du feu. L’enseignement de la culture chorégraphique initié par Laurence Louppe
(It is always necessary to remove the ashes in dance and find where there is still fire. The teaching of choreographic culture initiated by Laurence Louppe)
by Claude Sorin and Sarah Nouveau

La danse contemporaine : un projet (néolibéral) ?
(Contemporary dance: a (neoliberal) project?)
by Christophe Apprill

Laurence Louppe, source vive pour une socio-histoire du contemporain en danse
(Laurence Louppe, a living source for a socio-history of contemporary dance)
by Patrick Germain-Thomas

14:30 > 16:30

Retourner le gant. Conférence performée ou performer la conférence
(Turning over the glove. Performed conference or performing the conference)
by Patricia Kuypers (limited capacity) Tickets

La petite filature. Installation-Atelier de culture chorégraphique : suspension & ancrage
(La petite filature. Installation-Workshop of choreographic culture: suspension & anchoring)
by Laurence Saboye (limited capacity) Tickets

14:30 > 16:30
Listening sessions, a walk through the archives of the sound library Paroles vives de Laurence Louppe

The study room: introduction to some of the major areas of reflection that Laurence Louppe has initiated.
The dancers' foyer: the determining place of the dancer, his or her specific knowledge, practice as knowledge(s)
The room of visions: about the 'subtle' dimensions of dance - the relationship between the visible and the invisible, the deep layers of experience, the unseizable...

16:45 > 17:15
Projection Dispositif 3.1

Director Alain Buffard, production pi:es, document from the Alain Buffard / PI:ES collection ; collection Centre national de la danse, extract of 32 min (2001).

17:15 > 18:00
Round table : feedback and discussion to keep it going...
Que veut dire 'performer' la pensée/critique de la danse aujourd’hui ? 

With Geisha Fontaine, Patricia Kuypers and the participants of the workshop « Retourner le gant ».