17.06.21 — 18:30
CN D Pantin
For the two weeks of Camping, the Studio 12 of the CN D is being transformed into an ephemeral studio where dance enthusiasts can attend a workshop led by six guest chore-ographers free of charge. A unique opportunity for members ot the public to dance with internationally famous choreographers!
Ola Maciejewska’s work focuses on practices, learning processes and transmission of a legacy called: Thing Dances – approaches where technologies, objects, equipment, spaces, artifacts, and instruments are involved in the process of movement production. After working with Loïe Fuller’s ‘dancing structure’ in Loïe Fuller: Research and Bombyx Mori, Sisyphus rock in Tekton and Cosmopol, she embodies a particular genre of dance history as a way to respond to the ecological crisis that calls for new commitments and a new grammar. She received a scholarship from “International Tanzmesse NRW” to carry out research focused on the scenography of Rolf Borzik at the Archives of the Pina Bausch Foundation.