“In the blink of an eye, with one phone call, everything changed.
The door opened.
5 people got in and quietly bustled about me.
5 pairs of eyes met, questions flew next to my body lying on a stretcher, surrounded by the emergency service staff who took me away.
In hospital: Faces were concealed behind masks.
I heard a voice saying: “Sir, this is very serious. We are going to put you to sleep”. I could see the light bulbs on the ceiling passing at full speed above my head.
And darkness, a sleep (medically-induced coma) that lasted for 2 months.”
With simplicity and intensity, dancer and choreographer Pedro Pauwels tells us about his “accident”, a severe meningitis that stroke him in 2004, his coma, amputation and the rehabilitation that followed. The power of the text builds on the power of its author, his will to recover and get back on stage to dance. His story his full of life and hope.