What did we know about AID (international dance archives)? Some knew their magazine, others knew about the choreographic contest organised by that association in 1932, which brought Kurt Jooss’ The Green Table to the public’s notice, or their founder Rolf de Maré, patron of the ‘Ballets suédois’ in Paris. But no real research work had been dedicated to that association.
However from 1931 to 1952, AID constantly promoted various aspects of dance – technical, artistic, historical or ethnographic. Its activities reflected an ongoing commitment: beyond the dramatic dimension of dance, to give further physicality to choreographic art. Through a library, archives, exhibitions and lectures, it tried to give a wide public access to a true choreographic culture and played an essential part in the dissemination of modernism in dance.
With AID, for the first time in France, a major project focused on the memory and history of dance, regarding eclecticism and diversity as conceptual values.
This book documents that high ambition.
Writings by: Mathias Auclair, Inge Baxmann, Franz Anton Cramer, Sanja Andus L'Hotellier, Juliette Riandey, Claire Rousier, Laurent Sebillotte, Patrizia Veroli.