
Anthropologie de la danse

Genèse et construction d'une discipline

Given the wide range of perspectives represented in the anthropology of dance, how are we to assess its emergence as a scientific field? How do we reconcile the diversity of views that have been brought to bear on “dance”, this “object” whose singularity is not yet universally recognised?

In this work, Andrée Grau and Georgiana Wierre-Gore have compiled fourteen texts that laid the methodological and theoretical foundations of the discipline, written by English-speaking researchers from the United States and Europe. These texts, published in French for the first time in this volume, demonstrate, first, that the anthropological approach is relevant to the study of all dance and, second, that dance is a “total social fact” that deserves to be studied in the same way as religion or politics.

Authors: Egil Bakka, John Blacking, Anca Giurchescu, Andrée Grau, Judith Lynne Hanna, Adrienne Lois Kaeppler, Joann Wheeler Kealiinohomoku, Gertrude Prokosch Kurath, Roderyk Lange, György Martin, Ernõ Pesovár, Anya Peterson Royce, Allegra Fuller Snyder, Judy Van Zile, Georgiana Wierre-Gore, Drid Williams, Suzanne Youngerman.