“Leaning on the air”, “sharing space”, “giving your weight”, “dancing attentively”: dancers possess implicit knowledges whose traces can be found in their language. But how to shed light on such knowledge which emerges from the experience of gestures and perception? Which mode of imaginary or emotional thought should be adopted to grasp at best the challenges of the danced gesture? How to “read” this gesture, and with what tools? How can this make sense both to the person who moves, and the spectator? In an extension of the work of the researchers Michel Bernard and Hubert Godard, Christine Roquet invites us here to consider the dancing corporeality as a complex system of interacting elements. Nourished by her experience in the field in contact with dancers, she also examines the way in which dance can contribute to inventing relationships while offering a sharing of the dancer’s joy. In this way, from lessons to the studio, from a ball to the stage, from the dancer’s point of view and that of the spectator, Christine Roquet shows us how the analysis of movement can enrich our perceptions, bringing into question our relationships with others and with the world.
Christine Roquet lectures at the dance department of the University Paris-8. She devotes herself to teaching and researching dance based on the vast field of “movement analysis”. The exploration of the complex field of interaction is her main research field.