
Research and notation presentations

31.01.23 — 14:00

CN D Pantin
“The Nijinska Notebooks”
by Mariia Nevzorova & Ivan Chaumeille

Translation in French of Russian archival documents such as the notebooks of Bronislava Nijinska, which Dominique Brun, Sophie Jacotot and Ivan Chaumeille found in the Bronislava Nijinska Collection in the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.

“James Waring’s Choreographic Collages”
by Jean Capeille

A critical exploration of the archival collection of American choreographer and collage artist James Waring (1922-1975), whose composition classes were attended by future members of the Judson Church Theater, and a discovery of a choreographic practice which will change our perspective on American abstraction.

“Graphic representations of movement through the dance libretto for Pierre et le loup
by Marie Orts, Lina Schlageter, Garance Bréhaudat, & Clarisse Chanel

Realization of a dance libretto for Pierre et le loup, a piece by Dominique Brun, based on Labanian graphic research which offers adult and young audiences the tools to fully grasp what they see when they watch a dance performance.