
Sylvain Prunenec

Le Fil

Le Fil, Sylvain Prunenec © Marc Domage
Le Fil, Sylvain Prunenec © Marc Domage

28 & 29.05.21

CN D Pantin

What is this thread that Sylvain Prunenec pulls and unrolls to evoke his career as a performer? Is it an Ariadne’s thread, with a secret rationale, which will link together the movements he has crossed over? The thread of a tightrope walker, whose body can be seen in an imbalance, suspended above the void? Or is it a thread that is always on the edge – of a revelation, or a fall? Whatever meaning is attributed to it, there is a question of bonds, weaving – whose horizon is perhaps less the bringing out of a design than the step-by-step following of the elaboration of motifs. During a spoken-danced narrative, Sylvain Prunenec, who has performed for Odile Duboc, Dominique Bagouet, Trisha Brown or else Deborah Hay, takes a tender, lucid view of the production of dance. By exhibiting a body open to an awareness of its own genealogy, he raises the veil on the multiplicity which is expressed through the performer’s body, and humorously reveals the hesitations, élans, chances – everything that the audience does not see but which are living, vibrant parts of choreographic creation.