
Cie XY – Denis Dulon
& Michaël Pallandre

Camping Workshop

21 > 25.06.21

CN D Pantin
Sold out

Cie XY is a collective of acrobats. Michaël Pallandre has been a lifter with the company since 2009. He has been exploring acrobatic lifts as raw material for all his pieces since starting out in 1999. He participated in the productions of Le Grand C and Voyages. He notably created Reflets dans un œil d’Homme (2016) with the company Diable au corps / Prêt à porter. He has taught classical dance (2001-2009), as well as giving courses at the Lido Centre des arts du cirque in Toulouse.
Denis Dulon is a lifter. He discovered the circus at the age of nine and has made it his means of stage expression ever since. In 2004, he founded Cie XY with five partners. He participated in the creation of Laissez-porter, Le Grand C, Il n’est pas encore Minuit and Les Voyages. He created Strach with the Théâtre d’un jour company. He is an instructor at the Centre national des arts du cirque, the Centre régional des arts du cirque in Lomme, and the Academy of Circus and Performance Art in Tilburg Crac.

For this workshop, Michaël Pallandre and Denis Dulon propose a work on the body where the objective will be to lift and/or to be lifted, with the intention of teaching any person wishing to learn these techniques to do so with their own body and abilities. While observing technical and acrobatic rigour to ensure each person’s physical wellbeing, but also allowing for moments of playful research, this workshop will provide a better understanding of what is at stake when one lifts or is lifted, and how to develop an acrobatic language. The methodology will seek to minimise the strength required in order to leave the greatest possible scope for interpretation.

Prior dance experience required