06 > 07.03.21
CN D Pantin
Hands dismantling a keyboard; a face being licked by an animal; a palm caressing moss in the forest. In Forecasting, Barbara Matijević takes these truncated bodies interspersed among the millions of amateur videos available on YouTube, extends them and then reincarnates them on stage. A laptop screen becomes the point of intersection between this two-dimensional world, with its banal or bizarre stories, and a very real body.
Created with her long-time accomplice, Giuseppe Chico, this show humorously plays with the way technology has changed our relationship to the body. The third part of a trilogy initiated in 2008 and entitled Théorie d’une performance à venir où le seul moyen d’éviter le massacre serait-il d’en devenir les auteurs ? [Theory of a Future Performance in Which the Only Way to Avoid a Massacre Would Be to Become its Perpetrators], it draws from the infinite pool of images available to us today. The digital imagination is amplified and poeticised in a research process that adheres as closely as possible to the new modes of self-narration.
Born in Croatia, where she trained with Kilina Cremona, Barbara Matijević composed her first choreographies in the 2000s while collaborating as a performer with Bojan Jablanovec, Boris Charmatz and Joris Lacoste. She also teaches dance.
After studying theatre in Italy, Giuseppe Chico moved to Paris in 2000 where he trained as a dancer. For several years he performed with the company Mille Plateaux Associés, and he also worked with George Appaix, Anja Hempel and Joris Lacoste.
Barbara Matijević and Giuseppe Chico founded the company Premier Stratagème in Paris in 2008.