New careers

Individual interviews

In order to explore possibilities for a new career, the Professional Resources team provides information on: the various forms of support available, resuming studies, looking for jobs. Individual interviews are available.
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New career events

A programme of specific events is available throughout the season aimed at helping professionals to see their career progression more clearly and reinforce their strengths, opening up new possibilities in other fields.
See the programme

The IOTPD Philippe Braunschweig grant

The Organisation Internationale pour la Reconversion des Danseurs Professionnels (IOTPD) has created an international grant to help dancers build a new life for themselves after their dance careers.The Bourse Philippe Braunschweig grant, so-named in tribute to the founding president of the IOTPD, will assist a dancer who has had an international career embark on a new career. This annual grant of 3,000 euros was awarded for the first time in June 2013.
The IOTPD is seeking to provide an international solution for dancers whose careers spanned several countries and who were not able to accumulate the necessary conditions of seniority to qualify for national career change programmes.
The CN D, a member of the IOTPD, is taking part in this new initiative.
The IOTPD was created in 1993 with the aim of helping dancers embark on new careers. The IOTPD is an international organisation that brings together career development centres throughout the world. It supports, promotes and coordinates research and information initiatives and efforts to assist dancers so that they can make a successful transition to a new career.
Philippe Braunschweig, founding president of the IOTPD, died in 2010. A lover of dance, he worked tirelessly to help improve the situation for dancers, both at an individual and collective level. The IOTPD is thus paying tribute to him through the creation of this international grant named after him.

Applications until 30.04 at



Changing Career in 9 Portraits, Life after the Stage, Building a Better Future for Dancers and the Art of Choreography.
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