

With the carte CN D
full price € 10 / reduced rate € 5*
Without the carte CN D
full price € 15 / reduced rate € 10*
under 12 years old
one price € 5
except Le Petit B, Point Zéro, Le chemin du wombat au nez poilu, Apprendre à voir les oiseaux en ville
single ticket € 5


Pièces distinguées 
Free admission

at the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie 
full price € 13 / reduced rate € 10 

Meetings, Study days, Conferences, Laboratories,
Non-human dance workshop

Free admission, booking required
Prices for other activities reserved for professionals are given on the relevant pages and on cnd.fr

Workshops Danses partagées

With the carte CN D
€ 5
Without the carte CN D
full price € 15 / reduced rate € 10*
under 12 years old
one price € 5

Daily classes

Single price € 5
compulsory subscription to the CN D PRO card

Payment is made at the ticket office on site or by phone.
No reservation by email will be taken into account. No exchange or refund.


Individual : from € 75 to € 300
If fee covered : de € 200 à € 700*

* Reduced fees on presentation of proof under 28 years old / over 65 years old / job-seekers / disabled (disability card) / groups of more than 5 people / professional dancers (Pôle Emploi certificate, students for the Diplôme d’État at the CN D) / those not liable for income tax / holders of the Carte Culture from the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication.