03 > 05.11.21
CN D Pantin
The Ministry of Culture's Direction générale de la création artistique has initiated two programs: CHIMÈRES, a residency program that brings together artistic collectives to write, research and prototype immersive and hybrid works that make use of contemporary digital technologies, and the call for research projects in theater and associated arts, which aims to support the development of new forms of research by artists. The common goal of these two programs is to encourage transdisciplinary artistic experiments that will be presented to the public during three days of meetings at the CN D Centre national de la danse.
The fifteen winning projects of the 2019 edition of the call for Research in Theatre and Associated Arts will be presented on November 3 and 4. The last day will end with a round-table discussion on the issues common to both programs. The day of November 5 will be articulated around six workshops with the artistic teams accompanied in the framework of the CHIMÈRES program and a round-table discussion on the challenges of artistic and technological transdisciplinarity.
Three days of professional meetings and reflection, of transdisciplinary crossing between research, hybridization and experimentation, to draw up innovative and inspiring perspectives in the field of research and creation.