21.09.18 > 12.01.19
CN D Pantin
A few years ago, Marie-Geneviève Massé and Irène Ginger, from the dance company l’Éventail, initiated the De la Plume à l’Image project, practical research workshops applied to baroque dance, with the support of the CN D’s research department, in partnership with the musician François Lazarevitch, and in scientific collaboration with the Association pour un Centre de Recherche sur les Arts du Spectacle aux XVIIe and XVIIIe Siècles (ACRAS).
The 18th-century choreographic corpus is dealt with in the chronological order of its appearance. The 2018-19 season will be devoted to a study of dances for men by Louis Pécour (1653-1729), from Le Feuillet collection (1704).
These workshops are reserved to professional baroque dancers who are freelance, or members of the various baroque dance companies in France or abroad, and to dance researchers.