

Louise Siffert

WE HAVE DECIDED NOT TO DIE, film, video still, 2023, Louise Siffert
WE HAVE DECIDED NOT TO DIE, film, video still, 2023, Louise Siffert

14 > 25.10.24

Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers

A film and music performance inspired by the archives of the ‘Reversible Destiny Healing Fun House’ architectural project by the artists Madeline Gins and Shusaku Arakawa. Louise Siffert is using these archives to transform them into playful, poetic objects.

Louise Siffert's film We have decided not to die is presented at the Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers in a soft, colorful case designed especially for the occasion.

A film by Louise Siffert
With the performers
Star Finch, Ji-Min Park, Louise Siffert, Samira Benzouak, Gisèle Grammare, Catherine Guyomard, Floriane Lambotin, France-Lise Patti, Nicole Thomas
Louise Siffert
Léo Gobin and Louise Siffert
Assistant director
Thomas Tourtellier
Assistant director trainee
Bolon Sylla
Assistant director and script supervisor
Emma Axelroud Bernard 
Chief Operator
Juliana Brousse 
Assistant director
Nina Chiron 

Make-up artist and artistic consultant
Anna Severina Perrin
Set design
Louise Siffert
Set construction
David Posth-Kohler 
Set construction assistants
Bérénice Barbillat, Maude Bouhenic, Céline Groman, Solenn Du Halgouet, Louise Hallou, Pierre Pokrovski, Anna Severina Perrin 
Louise Siffert
Costume manufacturing
Eloïse Froehly and Louise Siffert

Lighting design
Valentin Bigel 
Lucie Brux 
Laure Goyer 
Sound mixing
Mikaël Barre  
Credits and titling
Valentin Bigel

Production déléguée des Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers with the support of the département de la Seine-Saint-Denis, the région Île- de-France, DICRÉAM-CNC, CNAP- Centre national des artsplastiques, and CAPC Musée d'art contemporain de la ville de Bordeaux, Coproduction Ménagerie de verre, Compagnie DCA / La Chaufferie