16 & 17.11.24
CN D Pantin
14:30 – 16:00 ateliers
16:30 – 18:00 ateliers
11:30 – 13:00 ateliers
14:30 – 16:00 ateliers
For all from 8 years old
with the CN D card
€ 5
without the CN D card
full price € 15
reduced rate € 10
under 12 years
single rate € 5
The Danses partagées workshops are held over a weekend twice a year in the CN D, offering everyone a chance to discover pieces by major choreographers and to experience several styles of dance.
Samedi 16.11
14:30 > 16:00
Danse classique - Tickets
Danses congolaises by OKAPI - Tickets
Danses gigoteuses by Marius Barthaux - Tickets
KRUMP by JrSniper aka Germain Zambi - Tickets
Méthode Practice Yuval Pick by Simon Hervé - Tickets
Reggaeton by Carla Naté - Tickets
Répertoire Boris Charmatz - Tickets
Waacking by Tine - Tickets
16:30 > 18:00
Charleston par Diego "Odd Sweet" Dolciami - Tickets
Contemporain by Renaud Dallet - Tickets
Atelier parent/enfant pour les 6-8 ans
Danses grecques by Danae Papadopoulou - Tickets
Danse libre - contemporain by Arnaud Bacharach - Tickets
Effeuillage by Alexia Zamuner - Tickets
Flamenco by Ruben Molina - Tickets
Salsa by Association Dans les couleurs du temps - Tickets
Dimanche 17.11
11:30 > 13:00
Contemporain by Renaud Dallet - Tickets
Atelier parent/enfant pour les 6-8 ans
Danses gigoteuses by Marius Barthaux - Tickets
Danses grecques by Danae Papadopoulou - Tickets
Danse libre - contemporain by Arnaud Bacharach - Tickets
Flamenco by Ruben Molina - Tickets
Méthode Practice Yuval Pick by Simon Hervé - Tickets
Répertoire Boris Charmatz - Tickets
Waacking by Tine - Tickets
14:30 > 16:00
From Jazz to House by Diego "Odd Sweet" Dolciami - Tickets
Danse classique - Tickets
Danses congolaises by OKAPI - Tickets
Effeuillage by Alexia Zamuner - Tickets
KRUMP by JrSniper aka Germain Zambi - Tickets
Reggaeton by Carla Naté - Tickets
Salsa by Association Dans les couleurs du temps - Tickets