16 > 20.12.24
CN D Lyon
Discover two methods developed by Alexandre Munz: MUNZ FLOOR®, a neuromuscular technique whose microspherical, three-dimensional movements strengthen the deepest layers of muscle and massage the fascias. MUNZ BARRE®, which emphasises natural opposing movements and the outward movement originating in the spirals of the spine.
Anaïs Lheureux
Anaïs Lheureux, a MUNZ-certified coach, has a state diploma in classical dance. After studying at the Conservatoire National de Chalon-sur-Saône, she was hired by the Ballet Junior de Genève. She went on to work with the Gilschamber, Osmosis-Ali Salmi, Artonik, Julien Ficely, Samir Elyamni, Équinoxe and ADLC Cie companies. Spotted by Alexandre Munz, he wrote several roles for her and chose her as a collaborator in the methods he was developing. She teaches at La Ménagerie de Verre and Micadanses, at L'Agora Cité Internationale de la Danse, at Les Hivernales d'Avignon, and is involved in preparing for the Diplôme D'Etat at Studios du Cours in Marseille. Anaïs Lheureux is the first coach to be certified by MAISON MUNZ in 3 methods, MUNZ FLOOR®, MUNZ BARRE® and MUNZ MOVE. In 2022, Anaïs Lheureux became a MUNZ FLOOR® Trainer.