
Recommencer ce monde
(Les créatures fabuleuses)

Jérôme Bel
& Estelle Zhong Mengual

15 > 19.10.24

Théâtre du Fil de l’eau

On an almost empty stage, that of a theater conceived as a deconstructed and diminishing space, a philosopher speaks to a child – the present witness and future actress of a world that is becoming uninhabitable. Borrowing her words and concepts from Baptiste Morizot, a contemporary thinker on the living world, Jolente De Keersmaeker takes her on a journey through unexplored landscapes populated by extraordinary creatures (wolves, bacteria, humans or crocodiles), in a plunge into an ancestral age that brings to light our common ancestry with non-human species. Mobilizing the representational powers of theater, the piece brings to life philosophical concepts that can transform the world by rethinking our relationship to life. In this show for adults, which places the child at the center, Jérôme Bel and Estelle Zhong Mengual, continuing a collaboration initiated in 2023, defend the importance of considering “other ways of being alive and living” to open up the conditions for a new common future.

Jérôme Bel is associate artist at the CN D in 2023 and 2024.

R.B. Jérôme Bel

Fonds de dotation du Quartz-Scène nationale de Brest, Centre national de la danse, Bonlieu Scène nationale Annecy, Festival d'Automne à Paris, MC93 (Bobigny), Comédie de Caen CDN de Normandie, Malraux Scène nationale Chambéry Savoie, R.B. and tg STAN.

Special thanks to the Ménagerie de Verre for providing its studios free of charge for rehearsals, the publishers Actes Sud, Bayard, Wildproject, Reporters sans frontières and Olivier Rogard.

R.B. Jérôme Bel is supported by the Direction régionale des affaires culturelles d'Île-de-France - Ministère de la Culture.

For ecological reasons, R.B. Jérôme Bel no longer travels by plane.