28.11 > 01.12.23
CN D Pantin
A course to understand the organisation and set-ups of a EAC pathway, bringing together different practices within a pathway, experimenting with artistic tools in the service of a group dynamic, adapting the way of proceeding according to the partners, publics or territories and examining apprenticeship, educative currents as well as the issues of the EAC.
Session #2
Specific types of mediation for specific audiences
Projects are always made for and with a specific audience in mind – spectators, professionals, non-professionals, dance aficionados, newcomers, children, … Does the terminology (audience, public, spectator) fluctuate in accordance to the type of audience? This seminar will try to answer that question and attempt to draw a practical blueprint of the characteristics and specificities of the different types of audiences and the locations, structures, and settings that are best suited for each of them.