19 > 23.06.23
CN D Lyon
Paul Changarnier, Thomas Demay and Julia Moncla write for performances in multiple spaces. On stage, in public spaces or anywhere else, the combination of live music and contemporary dance is the linchpin of their creative process. The trio creates
and implements projects, always with input from artists and technicians. They aim to tune in to the same wavelength to create new relationships and vibrations between bodies. Their work is performed in France and abroad, and they offer workshops alongside.
The Collectif A/R is backed by the French Ministry of Culture – Drac Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, with support from the regional council of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Lyon city council. In 2022-23 they are part of the CN D’s creative program entitled « artistes en création ».
Led by Thomas Demay and Julia Moncla, this workshop is based on the ebb and flow of Collectif A/R’s current research. The first avenue of exploration is multiple spaces and how to create for a space, whether it be proposed, chosen, or imposed. The onus is on creating, adapting, and enabling emergence. The second avenue develops the notion of gathering: occupying shared space, crossing paths, avoiding, touching, and leaning on one another. Here the focus is on generating a vibration that emanates from the group, on uniting bodies in elevation or collapse.