Professional Resources

“Committing to movement” and “Bodystorming”
By Isabelle Ginot

Health-themed meetups

13 & 14.03.23

CN D Pantin

With Julie Nioche et A.I.M.E. - Association d’individus en mouvements engagés

Since 2020, A.I.M.E., Association d'Individus en Mouvements Engagés (Association of Individuals in Committed Movements) founded by Julie Nioche, choreographer and Isabelle Ginot, researcher at the University of Paris 8 Dance Department, has opened the Mouvements Engagés laboratory, dedicated to experimentation, research and the sharing of resources and practices around "socially and physically committed artistic projects" (PASKE).
These two days at the CND, part of the "Dance and Vulnerability" cycle, will be devoted to sharing practices between the knowledge of patients' struggles - collective and public struggles whose history is closely linked to that of the AIDS epidemic - and the dancers' knowledge of the "construction of their health". The aim is to open up a public debate and to contribute both to lifting the silence on the physical and psychological fallibility of dancers living with chronic pathologies and to the transformation of practices and representations.

The seminar day on 13 March is open to all.
The day of 14 March with the Bodystorming group at work this season is open to professionals from the artistic, social, medico-social and educational sectors, currently working in PASKE fields (limited places).