
Training of trainers in Early-Learning

Dancing: from actual space to imaginary spaces
Bérengère Valour

24 > 26.10.22

CN D Pantin

Being present and aware of what is around us to open ways to soar and discover; making the studio space a place where imagination can blossom and become embodied in gestures and movement. Alternating practice and theoretical training, we will look for ways to make dance accessible to younger dancers.

Bérengère Valour has been researching bodies and diverse choreographic forms for years, and works with exploring the dancing body, its awakening to dance and the transmission of the artform between bodies, as well as transmission as a creative experience. Her work is designed for dance professionals (dancers training to become teachers for young children and beginners in the National Diploma -DE- training program in the Lyon CN D, or teachers working in schools and conservatories with children and beginners), and non-professionals alike.