
Sylvain Prunenec

Camping Workshop

14 > 18.06.21

CN D Pantin

Sylvain Prunenec has danced for Odile Duboc, Dominique Bagouet, Trisha Brown, Boris Charmatz, Christian Rizzo, Deborah Hay, Fanny de Chaillé… Since 1995, he has been creating his own pieces in collaboration with other artists: the poet Anne-James Chaton, the writer Mathieu Riboulet, the visual artists Clédat & Petitpierre, the vocalist-improviser Phil Minton, the composer Sébastien Roux, or the painter Françoise Pétrovitch... In 2019, he went on a five-month journey across the Eurasian continent, from the Pointe du Raz in France to Sakhalin island in the far east of Russia, during which dances were presented on public squares to the inhabitants, or passers-by. From this experience, a creative project with the videomaker Sophie Laly and the musician Ryan Kernoa premiered in March 2021, titled 48th Parallel.

So Schnell
“From So Schnell, I still sense the fluid, light quality of some of the parts I danced myself; the nervy, repetitive solo by Olivia Grandville on the mechanical sounds of knitting machines; or the games of compositions based on drawings produced by Dominique Bagouet. These are the materials and processes that I want to share.” Sylvain Prunenec