
Thibault Lac

Camping Workshop

21 > 25.06.21

CN D Pantin

Thibault Lac first studied architecture before attending P.A.R.T.S in Brussels from 2006 to 2010. Alongside his studies, he danced in Jérôme Bel’s The Show Must Go On in 2019, and assisted Tino Sehgal in his exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum in New York in 2010. A performer with Ligia Lewis, Noé Soulier, Eleanor Bauer, Daniel Linehan, Mathilde Monnier, Alexandra Bachzetsis and Daniel Jeanneteau, he is a recurring presence in the various formats of Trajal Harrell’s project: 20 Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church. He has also participated in collaborative projects as an author: SUCH SWEET THUNDER (due to be presented during Camping 2021), created in collaboration with visual artist Tore Wallert and composer Tobias Koch, was awarded the Young Choreographers Prize at the Impulstanz Festival 2019 in Vienna. Knight-Night is a new production planned for 2021, in collaboration with Bryana Fritz.

There and Then, performer lab 
Associated with his work on the piece SUCH SWEET THUNDER presented at Camping 2021, Thibault Lac offers the chance to examine together the performer’s practices and tools, in particular via the connections between danced gestures and fiction. The elaboration of a short performative, individual score will be the leading thread of this exploration of the dynamic relations between abstraction, representation and imagination. The workshop provides a time to question, through discussion and physical practice, the dancer’s work, both as the author and performer of their movements and of what theses movements suggest.

Prior dance experience required.