
Thomas Hauert

Camping Workshop

14 > 18.06.21

CN D Pantin

Having built a dancer career with Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, David Zambrano and Pierre Droulers, Thomas Hauert founded his company in 1998. Since then, he has created more than 20 performances such as Cows in Space (1998), modify (2004), Accords (2008), inaudible (2016) or How to proceed (2018). His work derives from a research on movement, from the relationship between dance and music, and a writing based on improvisation, exploring the tension between liberty and constraint, the individual and the group, order and disorder, form and formlessness. He is responsible for the Bachelor Danse Contemporaine at the Manufacture Haute École des Arts de la Scène in Lausanne, he is “artiste en compagnonnage” at the Théâtre de Liège and is in residency at the Théâtre Les Tanneurs.

Tools for dance improvisation
For this workshop, participants will be invited to use their physical intuition and the creativity that derives from physical circumstances, in order to invent unfamiliar patterns and avoid recreating patterns already inscribed in our bodies. Thus forms, rhythms, movement qualities far more sophisticated than the ones our conscious mind could invent, may emerge.

Prior dance experience required.