
Danse en amateur
et répertoire

14e rencontre nationale

Tel quel ! Thomas Lebrun © Éric Lovino
Tel quel ! Thomas Lebrun © Éric Lovino

24 & 25.10.20

Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse

Dancing as an amateur and the repertory is an accompaniment to guide the practising of dance beyond the phase of technical apprenticeship and taking lessons. It allows groups of dancers who are assiduous in their practice to get together and work with a professional from the choreographic world (a choreographer or performer of a selected piece, a ballet master, notator or dance collector).

Open to all styles and all periods, Dancing as an amateur and the repertory is an invitation to discover a meaningful way of working with dance history or dances that are not bound to a staged presentation. With shows, exhibitions, talks, dance films, or lectures: all approaches are possible.

24.10 / 15:30


Nathalie Pernette
La Collection, 2013

Dominique Brun
Sacre #2, 2014

Claude Brumachon
Ellipse, 2006

Kader Attou
Symfonia Piesni Zalosnych, 2010

Christian Rizzo
D’après une histoire vraie, 2013

Thomas Lebrun
Tel Quel !, 2013

Hervé Koubi
Ce que le jour doit à la nuit, 2013

25.10 / 11:30

Die Welle (La Vague)
from Albrecht Knust
interpreted by all the participants

With seven groups from Rouen, Ucel, Lussac-lès-Château, Saint-Benoît, Paris, Istres et Lubersac.