
Books on the Move

© Marc Domage
© Marc Domage

17 > 28.06.19

CN D Pantin

Several times a year, Books on the Move for dancers, movers and thinkers is guest of the CN D. For a few days, the bookstore offers a large selection of dance and performance books, with the advice from its team. Created in Berlin in 2008, Books on the Move is now based in Bordeaux since 2013, but continues to travel throughout France and Europe. Nomadic and international, Books on the Move builds bridges between artists, teachers, scholars, audience members and performance venues. Multilingualism, mobility and knowledge dissemination are at the core of its action.

During the 2019 Camping edition, Books on the Move invites several artists to present their books:

— Charlotte Imbault for the presentation of the magazine Watt dance & performance (third number) : 18/06 at 6.30pm,

— Volmir Cordeiro for the presentation of the book, Ex Corpo, published by the CND : 19/06 at 6.30pm,

— Dimitri Chamblas for the presentation of the book Imagine a Dance Training: 20/06 at 6.30pm

— Laurent Pichaud - livres d’artistes autour du projet mon nom des habitants: 25/06 at 6.30pm.

— Rémy Héritier & Léa Bosshard for the presentation of the book L’Usage du terrain: 26/06 at 6.30pm.

— Wagner Schwartz - Jamais ensemble mais en même temps/Nunca juntos mas ao mesmo tempo: 27/06 at 6.30pm.