
Andy de Groat

Fan Dance


CN D Pantin

Andy de Groat, the American choreographer born in 1947, was based in France from the 80s. He passed away in January 2019, leaving behind a rich and varied body of work, based on a mingling of genres, techniques and personalities. To pay him an initial homage, the CCINP – set up to conserve his work – is organising on 22nd and 23rd June, a weekend devoted to his Fan Dance. A call was given out to all those who could and would dance Andy’s emblematic piece: answers came back from groups based in Paris but also New York, Lille, Lyon or Montpellier, who will be joined by dancers from Camping.

Fan Dance is a strange mixture of simple but unusual steps, enriched by precise arm movements and a constantly evolving random space. It is a short anthem to geometrical beauty, dancing musicality... physical, mental and sensorial coordination… group discipline and personal freedom.”
Andy de Groat