
Talk: research and creation

Le Corps infini
Kitsou Dubois

07.02.19 — 19:00

CN D Pantin

The research and creation project “The Infinite Body” (2016-2018) has developed a formal and technical group experimentation at the crossroads between the digital arts, dance and circus, examining the possibility of a real or virtual three-dimensional space, which recreates the conditions of weightlessness. This multidisciplinary project associates students with researchers and artists so as to initiate an evolution of looking, points of view and attentiveness in the current and future approaches of young creators.

With the École Nationale Supérieure Louis-Lumière, the Ki Productions company, the Académie Fratellini, the Université Paris 8 (the centre of research into IT and musical creation -Musidance / digital images and virtual reality – the Laboratoire Art des Images et Art Contemporain), the École Nationale Supérieure of Arts Décoratifs. With the support of the Labex Arts-H2H and assistance from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche as part of the programme “Investissements d’avenir” (ANR-10-LABX-80-01).